Jitka Linhartová

Jitka Linhartová

Jitka Linhartová

Of Counsel


  • D +420 210 320 260
  • F+420 210 320 270
  • M +420 776 113 260
  • E linhartova@nka.eu

Jitka Linhartová is of counsel in both our Prague and Bratislava offices.

She specialises in competition law, regulatory matters, including energy and waste management, public procurement law and compliance. In competition law, she provides legal advisory to clients in various industries both in their day-to-day business activities and when under investigation by the Czech Competition Authority, the Slovak Antimonopoly Office or the European Commission. She assists clients in preparing their merger notifications, and represents them before the competition authorities and courts. In addition, she helps them create and implement internal compliance programmes, including regular compliance trainings and “mock dawn raids”. In the energy sector, she focuses on regulatory matters regarding electricity & gas, issues in energy infrastructure and renewables, and represents clients before national regulators.

Jitka’s competition law highlights include advising:

  • on national or multinational merger notifications to the Czech and Slovak competition authorities, and European Commission;
  • an international company on an investigation by the Czech Competition Authority into an alleged prohibited vertical agreement;
  • several international concerns while submitting a marker or leniency application to the Czech and Slovak competition authorities;
  • a Japanese concern on an extensive investigation by the Czech and Slovak competition authorities into an alleged cartel agreement;
  • a global producer of chemicals regarding its day-to-day distribution activities;
  • a major car importer and manufacturer in their day-to-day business activities;
  • various associations of undertakings in their day-to-day business activities, including competition supervision at their meetings;
  • a Czech subsidiary of an international pharmaceutical company when reviewing its distribution system;
  • a worldwide heavy industrial concern regarding its activities in the Czech Republic.

In regulatory matters, Jitka has recently advised:

  • an international company on its acquisition from an Austrian concern of a windmill park located in the Czech Republic;
  • an Austrian energy concern selling parts of its business in the CEE;
  • the Czech transmission system operator on regulatory matters, including EU energy law matters;
  • a major Czech energy company on regulatory matters;
  • a significant Russian enterprise implementing its energy projects in the Czech Republic;
  • a leading heavy engineering concern participating in public tenders in the Czech Republic;
  • a French IT system provider taking part in a public tender;
  • a significant German waste management company on implementing EU legislation in the Czech Republic.

In compliance, Jitka has provided her expertise while supporting:

  • the Czech subsidiary of a global leading car producer in regular compliance trainings;
  • the Czech and Slovak subsidiaries of a leading global chemicals producer in regular compliance trainings;
  • the Czech brand of an international association of undertakings in the creation and implementation of a compliance programme and provision of regular compliance trainings;
  • a Czech take-back system in the creation and implementation of a compliance programme and provision of regular compliance trainings;
  • the Czech subsidiary of an international pharmaceutical company in implementing its compliance programme;
  • several Czech and Slovak companies from the paper, retail and construction industries in the implementation of competition programmes and regular compliance trainings.

Jitka graduated from the Faculty of Law of Pilsen in 2001 and has been a member of the Czech Bard since 2011. She practised law in a local firm and then worked for the Czech Competition Authority from 2004 to 2007. From 2007 to 2008 she worked for the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission. Since 2008, she has worked in the private sector, first at the Prague office of Gleiss Lutz and later Schoenherr until 2017, where she headed the competition unit.

As a regular contributor to the Czech-Slovak magazine Antitrust and to the global platform International Law Office, Jitka has also co-authored several energy publications, such as the European Energy Handbook and Global Energy Review.

She works in Czech, Slovak and English.


University of West Bohemia (M.A. 2001)

Bar admissions

Czech bar

